‘If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.’
Welcome to ION, a cutting edge company using the latest technologies to create the most accurate components and parts in the machining industry.
Sometimes in life, it pays to be brave – to pause something successful, and to start afresh, creating something even better. At PTSM, we wanted to take every ounce of everything we have ever learnt, purify, and engineer a brand new project… then ION Precision was born.
Our expert team of visionary specialists can expedite any project, of any scale, with consummate professionalism. We are better, stronger and more committed than ever before, and we are ready for your next mission.
We now have the same expert members of the team with a brand new sign above our door. We will continue to provide the best possible service we can for all our clients, old and new. If you would like more information on the services we provide, you can find a full list here.
If you want to know more about ION or how we can help, please contact us or you can follow us on social media below.